Optimize your Microsoft SQL Server deployment with Red Hat and AWS

Your Microsoft SQL Server database is a key business asset, running applications, informing processes, and providing insight. Database performance, cost, and flexibility are essential to support digital business initiatives. Detailed planning can help you build an efficient, high-performance, agile foundation for Microsoft SQL Server databases.

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Unlock Peak Performance: Productivity tips for accountants

Use a centralized data management system to store and organize your financial information. Having a single source of truth ensures that everyone works from accurate, up-to-date information—which can minimize back-and-forth and unnecessary meetings. Centralized data also makes it easier for you to manage, share, and securely collaborate on files with clients. Automating repetitive tasks, especially…

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Employing nearly 130,000 employees through 50 global delivery centres that serve more than 500 customers, this global information technology, consulting and business outsourcing services company ranks in the NASDAQ-100, S&P 500, Forbes Global 2000 and Fortune 500. It’s one of the best-performing and fastest-growing IT companies in the world. Previously, the company had been using…

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EU CTR Challenges Sponsors and CROs To Get Their Houses in Order

The Clinical Trials Regulation1 represents a milestone on the journey to a more competitive European R&D environment, particularly for multinational studies. Improved trial transparency — and EMA has recently opened a public consultation in this area — will make it easier for patients to participate in research. A harmonized approach to clinical trial applications across…

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Making the Move to Extended Detection and Response (XDR)

Today, many organizations rely on a collection of disparate security tools to identify and mitigate threats. These siloed security implementations are inherently inefficient and ineffective. Detecting, isolating and remediating security incidents is resource-intensive, timeconsuming and error-prone, and involves multiple platforms and administrative interfaces. To get to the bottom of an issue, security analysts are often…

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Creating a Cloud Migration Strategy for Print Infrastructure

Legacy print infrastructure can be a significant barrier to digital transformation projects. As organizations shift more on-premises applications to the cloud, print is a key process that organizations are increasingly considering for cloud migration. Shifting print infrastructure to the cloud can eliminate much of the ongoing maintenance costs—managing servers and print drivers, for example—and centralizes…

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