Strategieleitfaden – Ihr Wegweiser zu IT-Lösungen für kleine Unternehmen

Schützen Sie die Daten Ihres Unternehmens 1.Bieten Sie Arbeitern im Homeoffice ein sichere, In-Office“-Erlebnis, indem Sie ihnen Zugang zu Ihren Unternehmenssystemen und -anwendungen gewähren und dabei gleichzeitig über ein Cloudverwaltetes Dashboard die Transparenz und Kontrolle erhalten. 2.Verschlüsseln Sie Ihre Daten mittels Auto-VPN in nur zwei Klicks und ermöglichen Sie Ihren Mitarbeitern, sich sicher mit der…

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Évolution des menaces Les cybermenaces et les attaques deviennent de plus en plus néfastes et répandues, et les prévisions annoncent une accélération. En 2020, Cybersecurity Ventures estimait que les coûts de la cybercriminalité mondiale devraient augmenter de 15 % par an au cours des cinq prochaines années, pour atteindre 10 500 milliards de dollars par…

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Cyber Resiliency and End-user Performance

The Bigger Truth Cyber-resiliency investments are a necessity given the critical roles that IT and security teams play across the entire organization. Given the increasing volume of threats, cyber resiliency is already a high priority within each organization. This ESG research, however, finds that the value of cyber resiliency provided through intrinsic security extends well…

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Complete Guide to Managed Print Services

What is Managed Print Services? The Managed Print Services Association (MPSA) recently updated their definition of managed print services (MPS) to “the active management and optimization of business processes related to documents and information, including input and output devices.” More specifically, Quocirca defines managed print services as services offered by an external provider to assess,…

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Der aktuelle Stand und die ambitionierten Ziele der ESG-Verordnungen in Europa

Was ändert sich? Am 10. November 2022 stimmte das Europaparlament mit überwältigender Mehrheit für die Verabschiedung der CSRD. Diese neue Verordnung ersetzt die Richtlinie zur nicht-finanziellen Berichterstattung (Non-Financial Reporting Directive, NFRD) von 2014, mit der erstmals eine verpflichtende ESG-Berichterstattung für bestimmte Großunternehmen in Europa eingeführt wurde. Gemäß dieser neuen Verordnung müssen mehr Unternehmen als je…

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Workforce IAM-Evaluierungsleitfaden

How to Evaluate IAM Providers for Today’s Workforce Requirements Unfortunately, meeting the 12 required capabilities presents real challenges to current organizational ecosystems and legacy IAM systems. To gain these capabilities, you need to consider either replacing or modernizing your current IAM systems with a fullservice IAM platform designed to address both today and tomorrow’s needs….

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Inventor of WWW calls Cryptocurrency dangerous

Inventor of WWW calls Cryptocurrency dangerous and considers it like gambling The inventor of World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee called cryptocurrency as dangerous and compared it to a gambling. Berners-Lee said digital currencies are speculative in nature and compared them to the dot-com bubble. Berners-Lee said, “It’s only speculative. Obviously, that’s really dangerous. It is…

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CSRC announces new rules for overseas IPOs

CSRC announces new rules for overseas IPOs The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) recently announced new rules that require domestic firms to comply with national security regulations and the personal data protection law measures before going public overseas. China-based firms now will have more clarity regarding whether they can list overseas in the USA. The…

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Only 9% of Americans believe AI development will do overall good

Only 9% of Americans believe AI development will do overall good than harm Artificial intelligence tools that can give responses like human have become the greatest part of the technology industry, as many tech giants like Google, Microsoft and startups racing to come up with early versions of productivity tools and search engines using the new tech. Firms developing AI are saying…

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