Google’s Cloud Business Partners with Mayo Clinic to Expand the Use of AI Technology in Healthcare

Google’s cloud business is expanding the use of artificial intelligence technologies in health care, giving medical workers at Mayo Clinic the ability to find patient information using the tools powering the latest artificial intelligence chatbots.

Google Cloud said, “Mayo Clinic is using a new service called Enterprise Search on Generative AI App Builder. The tool effectively lets clients create their own chatbots using Google’s technology to scour mounds of disparate internal data. In health care, that means workers can interpret data such as a patient’s medical history, imaging records, genomics or labs more quickly and with a simple query, even if the information is stored across different formats and locations.”

Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian said, “Mayo Clinic is a world leader in leveraging AI for good, and they are a critical partner as we identify responsible ways to bring this transformative technology to healthcare.”

Google said that its approach to privacy ensures consumers retain control over their important data and noted the new service is in tune with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

The partnership announced between Google Cloud and Mayo Clinic is the first step in an expanded agreement between the two firms to work together on AI applications in the healthcare sector.